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I’m not surprised women turn to The Goop Lab for advice – but it could be very dangerous


The Goop Lab is a frustrating show.

In each episode, you are graced with 30 minutes of generalised wishy-washy statements encouraging the ‘optimisation of self’, health and wellness treatments that can apparently cure everything from anxiety to nerve damage and a whole lot of crying.


Five Myths About 'Normal' Vaginas And Why You Shouldn't Believe Them

Huffington Post

What even is normal? One thing for definite is everyone with one wonders if their vagina is normal. But many of us would rather Google it than actually talk to a friend or a doctor. A survey by the gynaecological cancer charity, The Eve Appeal, found that a third of women in Britain have avoided going to the doctors with gynaecological issues due to embarrassment. To start with, we need to be more comfortable talking about them so which is one of the reasons why I’ve founded the Vagina Museum. The aim is to create a bricks and mortar space dedicated to all things vaginas and gynae. And on 14 September we’ll be taking a pop-up version of the Vagina Museum to the British Science Festival in Hull.

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